法國雷恩商學院 Rennes School of Business, France

1. 文藻學士課程轉讀雷恩碩士學位(文藻日四技為3年加雷恩1年模式)
A. 文藻學生應取得協議書中所規定相關雷恩碩士課程學分,並完成實習、畢業論文,以及其他雷恩碩士班畢業要求。
B. 為獲得雷恩碩士學位,文藻學生應於雷恩碩士班課程結束之前,以雷恩所修習之學分包裹式抵免文藻學士學分,取得文藻學士學位,進而取得雷恩碩士學位。
1.3 修課時間
- MSc. International Luxury and Brand Management 國際精品品牌管理理工碩士
- MSc. Global Business Mgt. 全球商業管理理工碩士
- MSc. Int’l Business Negotiation 國際商業協商理工碩士
- MSc. Sports. Leisure and Tourism Mgt.運動休閒與觀光管理理工碩士
- MSc. Sustainable Mgt. & Eco-Innovation 永續管理與生態創新理工碩士
- MSc. Creative Project Mgt. Culture and Design (French and English Taught) 創意專案計畫管理、文化與設計理工碩士(高於80%法語授課,低於20%英語授課)
- MSc. Innovation and Entrepreneurship (French and English Taught) 創新創業理工碩士(法英文雙語授課)
A. 第一年九月至翌年四月:第一學期與第二學期課程。
B. 第二年五月至十一月:論文寫作與實習。
C. 全部課程時間:含修課與實習,總計十五個月。
- MSc. Int’l Luxury and Brand Mgt. 國際精品品牌管理理工碩士
- MSc. Global Business Mgt. 全球商業管理理工碩士
- MSc. International Management 國際管理理工碩士
A. 第一年一月至四月:第一學期課程。
B. 第一年五月至八月:第一階段實習
C. 第一年九月至十二月:第二學期課程。
D. 第二年一月至三月:第二階段實習,以及論文寫作(理工碩士一定要進行實習)。
E. 全部課程時間:含修課與實習,總計十五個月。
2. 雙碩士(1年加1年)合作計畫
- MSc. International Luxury and Brand Management 國際精品品牌管理理工碩士
- MSc. Global Business Mgt. 全球商業管理理工碩士
- MSc. Int’l Business Negotiation 國際商業協商理工碩士
- MSc. Sports. Leisure and Tourism Mgt.運動休閒與觀光管理理工碩士
- MSc. Sustainable Mgt. & Eco-Innovation 永續管理與生態創新理工碩士
- MSc. Creative Project Mgt. Culture and Design (French and English Taught)創意專案計畫管理、文化與設計理工碩士(80%以上課程以法語授課)
- MSc. Innovation and Entrepreneurship (French and English Taught) 創新創業理工碩士(法英文雙語授課)
A. 第一年九月至翌年四月:第一學期與第二學期課程。
B. 第二年五月至十一月:論文寫作與實習(理工碩士一定要進行實習)。
C. 全部課程時間:含修課與實習,總計十五個月。
- MSc. Int’l Luxury and Brand Mgt. 國際精品品牌管理理工碩士
- MSc. Global Business Mgt. 全球商業管理理工碩士
- MSc. International Management 國際管理理工碩士
A. 第一年一月至四月:第一學期課程。
B. 第一年五月至八月:第一階段實習
C. 第一年九月至十二月:第二學期課程。
D. 第二年一月至三月:第二階段實習,以及論文寫作(理工碩士一定要進行實習)。
E. 全部課程時間:含修課與實習,總計十五個月。
III. 補充說明
A. 學分和轉換方式:文藻採用台灣的大學學分體系,雷恩採用歐洲學分互認體系(ECTS: European Credit Transfer System)。台灣學分體系的每一學分,相當於歐洲學分互認體系的1.5或2學分。雙方同意在各自機構內所取得的學分數,只要滿足學術要求,皆可相互轉換。
B. 入學要求和語言技能:申請學生應由原所屬大學事先篩選,並與雷恩課程主任以電話或Skype面試之後,才可進入雷恩就讀。申請進入雷恩時,學生應繳交英文測驗成績,最低分數須達到IELTS 6分(四種語言技能皆達6分),或托福80分,或多益750分。學生英文成績為IELTS 6分(部分語言技能未達6分),或托福70分,或多益700分,應修讀並完成雷恩所提供的英文密集班必修課程,才可進入雷恩就讀。
C. 費用:參與此雙聯協議之學生須付雙聯機構雙方之學費;以2019年入學學費為例,雷恩一年學費為18,200歐元(不含住宿等其他費用),文藻日四技及碩士班一學期學費約為新台幣55,000元(學雜費加學生平安保險費) (每年二學期學費約為新台幣110,000元)。每年學費都可能會有變化。
Under the General Agreement on International Academic Cooperation between Rennes School of Business (hereafter named RSB) & Department of International Business Administration, Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages (hereafter named WZU) in Taiwan , both institutions agree to training international students in management and business fields and facilitate application procedures to WZU students seeking admission to RSB. Both institutions agree on the following cooperation programmes:
1.WZU Bachelor + RSB Master Degree under a 3 (4-year college) model
1.1 Eligible students
- 3rd Year students of 4-year college who are following a Bachelor programme at WZU and who may or may not be enrolled in business/ management/ economics modules,
- and the students after 3 years of study have already obtained most of the course credit points toward being granted the Bachelor’s degree, Taiwan credit points 111 for 4-Y College Division, may apply for admission to the Master Programmes (MSc) taught in English (and French) at RSB.
Both parties agree that students will be allowed to waive their last-year credit points at WZU with the credit they will have obtained in RSB, so as to receive their Bachelor’s degree at WZU.
1.2 Conditions for degree award
- In order to be granted the Master’s degree at RSB, WZU students should provide their WZU Bachelor’s degree obtained by presenting the credit points accumulated at RSB to be waived for their Wenzao Bachelor’s degree before the end of their RSB Master studies with
- success in passing the required RSB Master courses, internship, graduating project and all other Master programme requirements at RSB.
1.3 Programme Schedule
Fall Intake (3 + 1): 7 Master (MA/MSc or MIM) Programmes
- MSc. International Luxury and Brand Management
- MSc. Global Business Mgt.
- MSc. Int’l Business Negotiation
- MSc. Sports. Leisure and Tourism Mgt.
- MSc. Sustainable Mgt. & Eco-Innovation
- MSc. Creative Project Mgt. Culture and Design (Over 80% taught in French)
- MSc. Innovation and Entrepreneurship (French and English Taught)
- From September Year 1 to April year 2: Course work (Semester 1 & 2)
- From May to November year 2: dissertation writing and internship(Internship is compulsory for MSC)
- Total Programme Duration: 15 Months of study & internship
Spring intake (3 + 1): 3 MSc Programmes
- MSc. Int’l Luxury and Brand Mgt.
- MSc. Global Business Mgt.
- MSc. Int’l Mgt.
- From January to April Year 1: Course work (Semester 1)
- From May to August Year 1: Internship period 1
- From September to December Year 1: Course work (Semester 2)
- From January to March Year 2: Internship period 2 & dissertation
- Total Programme Duration: 15 Months of study & internship
2.Double Master (1 + 1) cooperation
This cooperation is to enable WZU students to complete both the WZU Master’s Degree and the RSB Master’s degree in a shorter period than would be normally required for independent completion of the two degrees.
Dual Master Degree under a 1 + 1 model enables WZU Master students, after successful completion of 1 year of study, to follow one of the Master programmes at RSB during their second year (MSc). Once these students will have successfully completed coursework, internship and dissertation at RSB, they will obtain a Master’s degree from RSB.
Both parties agree that Wenzao students will be allowed to waive their Master’s dissertation and the remaining credits for the 2nd year of the MA program at WZU with their RSB MA dissertation and course credit at RSB.
- Total RSB programme duration: 15 months (8 months of Study, 7 months for internship and Dissertation)
Fall Intake (1 + 1): 7 Master (MA/MSc or MIM) Programmes
- MSc. International Luxury and Brand Management
- MSc. Global Business Mgt.
- MSc. Int’l Business Negotiation
- MSc. Sports. Leisure and Tourism Mgt.
- MSc. Sustainable Mgt. & Eco-Innovation
- MSc. Creative Project Mgt. Culture and Design (Over 80% taught in French)
- MSc. Innovation and Entrepreneurship (French and English Taught)
- From September Year 1 to April year 2: Course work (Semester 1 & 2)
- From May to November year 2: dissertation writing and internship(Internship is compulsory for MSC)
- Total Programme Duration: 15 Months of study & internship
Spring intake (1 + 1): 3 MSc Programmes
- MSc. Int’l Luxury and Brand Mgt.
- MSc. Global Business Mgt.
- MSc. Int’l Mgt.
- From January to April Year 1: Course work (Semester 1)
- From May to August Year 1: Internship period 1
- From September to December Year 1: Course work (Semester 2)
- From January to March Year 2: Internship period 2 & dissertation
Total Programme Duration: 15 Months of study & internship
- Credits & Transfer: WZU uses Taiwan university credit system; and RSB uses (ECTS: European Credit Transfer System). 1 Taiwan credit is equivalent to 1.5 or 2 ECTS credits. Both universities agree that the credits obtained in each institution are transferable to the partner university if it matches academically.
- Admission & Language skills: Students should be preselected by WZU, and succeed an interview by phone or Skype by Rennes’ Programme Manager in order to be admitted to this Programme. They should submit an English test with a minimum score of IELTS/6.0 (4 skills); TOEFL/80 or TOEIC/750 before their departure to Rennes; students with a score of IELTS/6.0 (with scores under 6.0 for some skills); TOEFL/70 or TOEIC/700 should take and complete the compulsory English Intensive Courses online offered by Rennes School of Business before their departure to Rennes.
Tuition Fees: Students on this progression program have to pay tuition to both schools. One-year tuition fee at RSB, as in 2019, is 18,200 euros. The tuition fees at WZU for 4-Y college and 2-Y college students as well as MA students in 2019 are of the amount of NTD 110,000 respectively. Fees may fluctuate annually.
